
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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march 2
ambrette, kalos
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mari
marilee beaufort
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 22:29:13 GMT
marilee beaufort Avatar
[attr="class","mari2"] her roommates hadn't been home, not in several days. mari wasn't the kind to notice, considering how much of her time was spent at work, tending to 's whims — or well, not him anymore, since he's had to take a sudden transition back to kalos.

[break][break] it made her want to go back to kalos, but she couldn't, not only because he'd never asked, but because nana would never have a failure for a grandchild.

[break][break] mari wandered through the apartment in half a daze, wondering when would get home. she hadn't seen greg or anna in days but then also, she hadn't been home in a few.

[break][break] it was why, with sudden shock, she didn't expect to see the shadowed figure of a man that she hadn't met in the once-vacant room.

[break][break] so when she saw , she screamed.

[break][break] dropping her popcorn, of course, everywhere.


[newclass=".mari2"]--accent:#d7d0f2; } .mari2 { font:12px 'Roboto'; border-radius:0px; padding:40px 50px 50px; } .mari2 b { color:var(--accent)!important; font:bold 12px/10px 'Poppins'; } .mari2 i { color:var(--accent)!important; } .mari2 u { border-color:var(--accent)!important; } .mari2 .ooc { text-align:center;padding:20px 40px 20px 40px;border-top:1px solid #232323;margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:-45px; } .mari2 .ooc a { color:var(--accent)!important; font:bold 13px 'Poppins'; text-transform:lowercase; } .mari2 img { filter:grayscale(100%); [/newclass]
[newclass=".mari2top"]width:438px;border-radius:0px;background-color:#d7d0f2;height:40px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;margin:0px -60px -50px 25px;padding-bottom:15px;border:solid 1px #232323;[/newclass]
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December 26
Slateport City
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 17:53:37 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori whipped around, despite every muscle in his body screaming at the sudden movement. He’d yet to fully recover from the prison, and physical activity still caused aches in his body. In the door frame was Marilee, and the clatter of a bowl spilled popcorn all over the floor.

Ms. Marilee!” He whispered loudly. His arms rose to be parallel with the ground and expose his empty hands. Show his lack of weaponry. “You’ll wake the house. It’s your roommate, Grigori. Remember?

Who else had conjured the abundance of sweets that dominated the kitchen space? The fresh loaves of bread that magically appeared in the breadbox? Surely she could not be so oblivious as to not remember him? “You’re safe. Please, do not fret. There's no need to panic.

Behind him rested an open suitcase, with several pairs of clothes shoved in and a pair of shoes to crown the pile.

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march 2
ambrette, kalos
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
93 posts
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TAG WITH @mari
marilee beaufort
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2024 17:22:50 GMT
marilee beaufort Avatar
[attr="class","mari2"] 'ms. marilee! you’ll wake the house. it’s your roommate, grigori. remember?'

[break][break] she stared at the strange man who had entered her home, fingertips trembling, wondering if she should call and then remembering that he had already transferred to kalos.

[break][break] she took a breath.

[break][break] " i - "

[break][break] then, the memories came rushing back. the text message that had all sent their group chat one day, without warning, and the way that she had been so busy clearing up a deadline for that she had barely had time to think about their roommate. each day, she'd flown out of the house to attend to her duties at the kalosian embassy, just assuming that one of her roommates would deal with the onboarding of their new roommate.

[break][break] but this?

[break][break] he was greg?

[break][break] when spoke about greg, she made him seem... younger. kind of nerdy. like a child.

[break][break] but this... this person was a man.

[break][break] "oh."

[break][break] she couldn't help the way she squeaked it out, mouth forming into a small 'o', as she continued to gaze at him, eyes flicking towards his open suit case and the subtle smell of baked goods wafting from his person. suddenly, her stomach grumbled. oh dear, she was hungry.

[break][break] a flush crawled up her cheeks, bright red, and she self-consciously gripped her stomach.

[break][break] "um," she said. "i-i don't think. there's anyone else at home."

[break][break] "it's just us."

[break][break] oh god, why did you say that?



[newclass=".mari2"]--accent:#d7d0f2; } .mari2 { font:12px 'Roboto'; border-radius:0px; padding:40px 50px 50px; } .mari2 b { color:var(--accent)!important; font:bold 12px/10px 'Poppins'; } .mari2 i { color:var(--accent)!important; } .mari2 u { border-color:var(--accent)!important; } .mari2 .ooc { text-align:center;padding:20px 40px 20px 40px;border-top:1px solid #232323;margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:-45px; } .mari2 .ooc a { color:var(--accent)!important; font:bold 13px 'Poppins'; text-transform:lowercase; } .mari2 img { filter:grayscale(100%); [/newclass]
[newclass=".mari2top"]width:438px;border-radius:0px;background-color:#d7d0f2;height:40px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;margin:0px -60px -50px 25px;padding-bottom:15px;border:solid 1px #232323;[/newclass]
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December 26
Slateport City
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 7:13:38 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Apologies then– I wasn’t aware of who was exactly home, at the moment,” Grigori said. He had hoped it was a number of zero, but one was an acceptable alternative. As long as it was not , then everything was alright. His shoulders unstiffened, and he returned to the side of the bed.

And for the sudden scare. And mess,” he tacked on. “I would offer to clean it up, but…

The silent suitcase spoke for him, and the absence of noise was punctuated by the sudden movement of its zipper. Closed, ready for whatever trip it was destined to take.

I’m going to be leaving, for a few weeks. Maybe a month or two, if necessary,” he explained. Memories flashed in his mind. From the prison. What he tried to do to Annalise. How he’d almost succeeded.

Me and Annalise are on… rough terms. Not my place to speak on the matter, I’m afraid,” he said. Until he was able to clear things up, and beg for forgiveness... it was better for everyone if he wasn't here. Even if the supply of sweets would shrivel up to whatever was written on the list for the grocery store. The roommates would be an unfortunate casualty of their tensions.

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march 2
ambrette, kalos
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
93 posts
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TAG WITH @mari
marilee beaufort
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 16:47:09 GMT
marilee beaufort Avatar
[attr="class","mari2"] "wait, what?!"

[break][break] "you're leaving?"

[break][break] her eyes bulged.

[break][break] she wasn't sure what overcame her. but suddenly, she was launching herself forward, tiny hands gripping around the man's biceps.

[break][break] "you can't! you'd be leaving me alone here. plus, we just met!"

[break][break] her expression was wide, looking much like that of a simpering Rockruff.

[break][break] "i'm sure whatever you and anna fought about, you can apologize for. i'm sure it's not that bad."



[newclass=".mari2"]--accent:#d7d0f2; } .mari2 { font:12px 'Roboto'; border-radius:0px; padding:40px 50px 50px; } .mari2 b { color:var(--accent)!important; font:bold 12px/10px 'Poppins'; } .mari2 i { color:var(--accent)!important; } .mari2 u { border-color:var(--accent)!important; } .mari2 .ooc { text-align:center;padding:20px 40px 20px 40px;border-top:1px solid #232323;margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:-45px; } .mari2 .ooc a { color:var(--accent)!important; font:bold 13px 'Poppins'; text-transform:lowercase; } .mari2 img { filter:grayscale(100%); [/newclass]
[newclass=".mari2top"]width:438px;border-radius:0px;background-color:#d7d0f2;height:40px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;margin:0px -60px -50px 25px;padding-bottom:15px;border:solid 1px #232323;[/newclass]
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played by


December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 4:57:24 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori looked at the woman with a vaguely confused but determined look. It was rather strange, for someone that hadn’t even remembered his existence to feel so strongly about his momentary departure. Enough to even grasp him, as if that would keep him anchored down.

But he shrugged off her hands like one would peel a leaf from their shirt. His shirt and calm demeanor hid the muscles that made the movement all too easy. Massive. Strong. “I agree with you.

But it is that bad,” he followed up. “And you won’t be alone. still resides here, and as well. Furthermore, once me and her hopefully settle our… problem. I’d be moving back in. If she allows it.

Ultimately, it was up to Annalise to allow him the feeling of forgiveness. That was an impossible to predict outcome.

But I must leave for a spell. If you so wish to meet again, I will be staying at an acquaintance's place. , if you’ve met her. She lives in Mauville as well.

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played by


march 2
ambrette, kalos
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
93 posts
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TAG WITH @mari
marilee beaufort
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 7:36:07 GMT
marilee beaufort Avatar
[attr="class","mari2"] her hands laid limp between them. her eyes wide.

[break][break] "b-but," she spluttered. "it's been days! she won't answer my calls or texts. neither will rory."

[break][break] not that it was unusual for either women, considering both seemed to be rather devoted to their work. whatever that meant.

[break][break] she reached for his arm again, hopelessly, attempting to tug onto the fabric of his shirt.

[break][break] "please stay," she said. what was she going to say to anna and rory if they came home and found their roommate, the one who baked sweet goods and cleaned their bathroom all the time, missing? surely, they'd blame her. "at least, stay until one of them comes home."



[newclass=".mari2"]--accent:#d7d0f2; } .mari2 { font:12px 'Roboto'; border-radius:0px; padding:40px 50px 50px; } .mari2 b { color:var(--accent)!important; font:bold 12px/10px 'Poppins'; } .mari2 i { color:var(--accent)!important; } .mari2 u { border-color:var(--accent)!important; } .mari2 .ooc { text-align:center;padding:20px 40px 20px 40px;border-top:1px solid #232323;margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:-45px; } .mari2 .ooc a { color:var(--accent)!important; font:bold 13px 'Poppins'; text-transform:lowercase; } .mari2 img { filter:grayscale(100%); [/newclass]
[newclass=".mari2top"]width:438px;border-radius:0px;background-color:#d7d0f2;height:40px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;margin:0px -60px -50px 25px;padding-bottom:15px;border:solid 1px #232323;[/newclass]
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